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Philosophy of computing ...

Philosophy of computing is the philosophy of computer science, computer engineering, computer use, and related fields.

I will expand this as necessary into parts:

(Yes, I mean to suggest that virtually every traditional branch of philosophy is included!) Please also read my papers on various aspects of these issues, as the below is a very unfinished sketch of the above topics. For further reading, you might wish to consult the following: philosophy of computing introductory bibliography; bibliography for learning about computational philosophy.

The mathematical theory of computability arose out of a question in logic and the first mathematical model of a computer arose out of this question. This part of the history of computing is well known and well appreciated. What is sometimes forgotten is that Turing's support for his model of a computer was from the activity of an idealized human clerk, not any sort of machine at all. This should not be terribly surprising as he wrote his famous paper in 1936, before there were any computing machines in the modern sense at all. (I will discuss later on what a computing machine might be.)

The question in logic which Turing answered was the so-called "decision problem" in first order logic.

Is there a uniform procedure for deciding the validity of all sentences in first order logic?

The answer (assuming the analysis Turing gave of procedures and methods for solving such a question is correct) is no. His result is thus a triumph of mathematical logic. A whole branch of related fields of logic grew up around this work of his (not neglecting his teacher Church, Post, Gödel, Kleene and many others). Today computability theory is an important sister to logic, studied not only for its own sake, but for its applications in computing fields. All these technical resources a philosopher of computing should study carefully. (As I have begun to do so.)

But there are other parts to logic that are important for philosophy of computing as well. For example, non-classical logics are used in computer science not as aids to formalizing deduction proper, but as important branches of mathematics in their own right. Philosophers (e.g. C. I. Lewis) and mathematicians (e.g. Post) invented systems of logic for use in logic; today computer scientists use modal logics to discuss properties of compilers, and multivalued logic in the theory of databases. No strange heterogeneity arises as one might think. These logics instead are "logics by analogy" - they are boolean algebras (or generalizations of same) used for specific purposes.

Another use of logic in computing is making sure we have the right notion of a function. In mainstream mathematics functions (and indeed most objects) are taken extensionally. Thus f(x) = x * x + 2 is regarded as the same function as g(y) = y^2 + 2. But in computer science this may not be a good idea, at least not in all contexts:

Consider the following two Scheme programs to calculate the functions

(define f (lambda (x) (+ (* x x) 2)))


(define g (lambda (x) (+ (pow x 2) 2)))

These (of course) return the same values given the same inputs. But g and f have a computationally important difference. g requires an additional function call every time it is invoked. The computational overhead for g is thus higher than it is for f, at least assuming a lack of optimization. Thus in a certain sense the effects of each function taken as a process are wildly different. It is this metaphysical difference (of which more below) that has lead computer scientists to taking an intentional view of functions. In fact, it is not surprising that the Scheme language (like all in the LISP family) uses a syntax that involves the lambda calculus.

It isn't too surprising given the above that the metaphysics of computing center around the Turing machine. A Turing machine represents a computer as being a finite state, unbounded memory machine. This is an interesting choice, given there are prima facie reasons to suppose that the universe is continuous. On the other hand, no computer we have ever made is really unbounded in memory. So, the metaphysics of computing involves debating such questions as these. But these questions are just a tip of a very large iceberg. Other questions of interest are: what is the correct characterization of event, as usable in the theory of automata? What makes something programmable? Are there computers which aren't programmable, or does putting the slide rule and the G3 on my desk in the same category misleading somehow? What about us? We compute; in fact Turing's original computers were people - as at that time, a computer was someone employed to perform calculations.

The metaphysical questions in computing flow the other way, as well. For example, many recent debates in the philosophy of mind center around the question of the applicability of computational concepts to understanding our mental functioning. Another related debate is whether the construction of a computational device that has mental qualities is possible. These two are often conflated under the thesis of artificial intelligence, when strictly speaking, the two are independent. For example, it could be the case that although human intelligence is not computational in character, some other might be. Or, conversely, it might be that although we are computational, it might not be possible to construct an AI out of conventional computer hardware and software at all.

Another series of metaphysical questions include some mereological ones. Does software come in parts? Can we speak of parts functionally: for example, the part of Dreamweaver that handles the scrollbar to the right of this window. How do those relate to portions of source code? At the time of writing, there are debates over whether IBM illegally put SCO owned code into Linux. Can these issues be cached out in mereological terms?

For example:

#include <stdio.h>

void main (void)


printf ("Hello, world\n");


So, what parts of code are relevant there? Do I count the header in my code and the library it supports, or just the header? or not at all? Should the code have some sort of atomic function? How are those individuated? Consider:

while ((c = getchar ()) != EOF) { ... }


c = getchar ();
while (c != EOF) { ... ; c = getchar (); }

Are those the same code from a mereological perspective? What about post increment vs. preincrement? Should it be the assembly language that determines similarity? If so, we eliminate the above example but create others. After all, reorganization of instruction flow occurs in optimizing compilers and in CPUs themselves ...

As one might suppose there are two aspects to the epistemology of computing. Computational ideas have entered as a constraint on understanding how we know. Learning schemes that are either uncomputable or require algorithms that are too complex are regarded as implausible. Computational properties are attributed to sensory systems. And people debate the merits of these proposals. Some go so far as to suggest that entire computational fields can rework how we think about truth, induction, and much else and not just focus our inquiry. Kevin Kelly advocates a form of computational learning theory to address traditional epistemological questions. Paul and Patricia Churchland advocate an interesting form of the thesis that the brain is a biological computer - but not a von Neumann machine (a metaphysical issue!) but one with important epistemological twists. Paul is not a Rortyian subjectivist, but he suggests that computational (and neuroscientific - one of my other interests) ideas lead us to the conclusion that truth, while still epistemically important, is in some sense a derivative, not a basic notion. Yet the underlying notions are epistemological in character, unlike the satisfaction relation introduced in model theory by Tarski. Curiously enough, the insights here can be arrived at from other routes. Mario Bunge, while not a computationalist (except in the anti- sense!) also emphasizes the literal partial nature of truth in a remarkably similar way.

Enough of a taste of one side of the new "computational turn" in epistemology. The other side concerns how we come to know about computational artifacts and computational processes and such like. For example:

Philosophy of computing probably connotes ethical issues to a lot of people. The field of computing ethics is well developed, however, as usual, this is only one part of the picture. An integrated philosophy of computing not only reflects on matters such as privacy, access to technology, intellectual property considerations, and other ethical topics that computing might focus concern on, but also on two other topics. One of these is using computing to better understand ethics. While this is largely limited to teaching ethics and developing infrastructure for political philosophy, there is room for descriptive ethics mediated by computer investigation, as well as computational modeling of ethical situations, agents, etc. (This is often done through game theory: I am skeptical of methods here, but not goals.) There is also the interesting question, raised by my former colleagues Kari Coleman, Peter Danielson and others concerning to what degree one can attribute moral responsibility to computers, robots, and other computational artifacts, as well as the more usual question of building in moral functioning of said artifacts. The two are two halves of one coin.

Aesthetics is the study of the beautiful, the sublime, and various related terms and their duals. It too belongs in a philosophy of computing. As a long time user of Apple's computers and operating systems, I have also been a long time advocate of the importance of an aesthetic dimension to technology and artifacts. The issues here are subtle: other than just making life pleasant, do aesthetic values play a role in computing: the answer to this is yes, though explaining why is difficult. I have written a paper about this topic. Are there other aesthetic questions in computing? Yes: