Keith Douglas' Web Page

About me Find out who I am and what I do.
My resumé A copy of my resumé and other documentation about my education and work experience for employers and the curious.
Reviews, theses, articles, presentations A collection of papers from my work, categorized and annotated.
Current research projects What I am currently working on, including some non-research material.
Interesting people People professionally "connected" to me in some way.
Interesting organizations Organizations I am "connected" to. (Some rather loosely.)
Intellectual/professional influences Influences on my work, including an organization chart. Here you can also buy many good books on philosophy and other subjects via I have included brief reviews of hundreds of books.
Professional resources Research sources, associates programs, etc.
What is the philosophy of computing? A brief introduction to my primary professional interest.
My intellectual heroes A partial list of important people. Limited to the dead.
My educational philosophy As a sometime teacher I've developed one. Includes book resources.

List of Courses

The following is a list of every course I have taken through a university. I have converted all the credit/"unit" amounts to approximately the same common measure (McGill regular session credits) for means of comparison. I have placed the courses in approximately chronological order from oldest to most recent. For "themed" courses, I have placed the theme after the official course name.

Introduction to Deductive Logic Philosophy McGill 3 200
Problems in Analytic Philosophy Philosophy McGill 3 200
Perception Psychology McGill 3 200
Introduction to Computing I Computer Science McGill 3 200
Contemporary Moral Issues: Abortion, Euthanasia, Punishment Philosophy McGill 3 200
19th Century Philosophy Philosophy McGill 3 300
Ancient Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy of Chemistry Philosophy McGill 3 400
Introduction to Computing II Computer Science McGill 3 200
Principles of Assembly Languages Computer Science McGill 3 200
Introduction to the Study of Language Linguistics McGill 3 200
Philosophical Fundamentals: Time and Free Will Philosophy McGill 3 300
17th Century Philosophy: Experiments and Empircism Philosophy McGill 3 300
Existentialism Philosophy McGill 3 300
Metaphysics: Innate Ideas Philosophy McGill 3 400
Programming Languages and Paradigms Computer Science McGill 3 300
Intermediate Logic Philosophy McGill 3 300
Ethics I Philosophy McGill 3 300
Philosophy of Science I Philosophy McGill 3 300
Sociology of Religion Sociology McGill 3 300
Cognition Psychology McGill 3 200
Introductory German German Studies McGill 6 200
Philosophy of Mind Philosophy McGill 3 300
Philosophy of Social Science II Philosophy McGill 3 400
Special Topics in Philosophy: Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Philosophy McGill 3 500
Tutorials: Democritean Atomism Philosophy McGill 6 400
Human Behaviour and the Brain Psychology McGill 3 300
Files and Databases Computer Science McGill 3 400
Plato: Platonic Metaphysics Philosophy McGill 3 300
Epistemology: Philosophy of Perception Philosophy McGill 3 400
Philosophy of Science II Philosophy McGill 3 400
Topics in the History of Philosophy: Mathematics, Metaphysics and Morals from Descartes to Kant Philosophy McGill 3 400
Introduction to Database Systems Computer Science McGill 3 400
Nonclassical Logics Philosophy UBC 3 300 (*)
Scientific Ethos Philosophy / English UBC 3 500
Theory of Computing Computer Science UBC 3 400
Topics in Moral Philosophy: Free Will and Determinism Philosophy UBC 3 500
Ethical Issues in Public Policy: Ethics for Robots Philosophy UBC 3 500
Philosophy of Mathematics: Philosophy of Set Theory Philosophy UBC 3 500
M.A. Thesis Research: A Special Davidsonian Theory of Events Philosophy UBC 12 600
Brain and Behaviour Psychology UBC 6 300
Minds, Machines and Knowledge Philosophy CMU 4 600 (**)
Logic and Computation Philosophy CMU 4 600 (**)
Fundamental Structures of Computer Science I Computer Science CMU 4 200
Computability and Incompleteness Philosophy CMU 4 600 (**)
Probability and Artificial Intelligence Philosophy CMU 4 600 (**)
Proseminar Philosophy CMU 2 600
Fundamental Structures of Computer Science II Computer Science CMU 4 200
Introduction to Computer Systems Computer Science CMU 4 200
Directed Reading: History of Computability Philosophy CMU 6 900
Directed Reading: Issues in Multimedia Authoring Philosophy CMU 4 900
Computer Architecture Computer Engineering CMU 4 300
Directed Reading: Super-Turing Computation Philosophy CMU 4 900
Thesis Seminar Philosophy CMU 4 800 (***)
Epistemology: Bayesian Epistemology Philosophy CMU 4 800 (***)
Directed Reading: Super-Turing Computation II Philosophy CMU 2 900
Network Infrastructures I Information Technology McGill 8 N/A (****)
Network Infrastructures II Information Technology McGill 8 N/A (****)
    Total 212  

* : The lectures presented in this course were at the 300 level, though the grading and evaluation in the case of the graduate students in the class (myself included) was at the 500 level.

**: The CMU courses indicated were joint 300/600 level courses. Students taking the 600 level version did additional work or further topics, etc.

***: The CMU courses indicated were joint 500/800 level courses. (No difference that I know of existed, other than fulfilling bureaucratic requirements. Both were the equivalent of final year honours undergraduate/graduate level courses.)

****: These courses are offered through the McGill Centre for Continuing Education and as such have no level attached.