Keith Douglas' Web Page
About me | Find out who I am and what I do. |
My resumé | A copy of my resumé and other documentation about my education and work experience for employers and the curious. |
Reviews, theses, articles, presentations | A collection of papers from my work, categorized and annotated. |
Current research projects | What I am currently working on, including some non-research material. |
Interesting people | People professionally "connected" to me in some way. |
Interesting organizations | Organizations I am "connected" to. (Some rather loosely.) |
Intellectual/professional influences | Influences on my work, including an organization chart. Here you can also buy many good books on philosophy and other subjects via I have included brief reviews of hundreds of books. |
Professional resources | Research sources, associates programs, etc. |
What is the philosophy of computing? | A brief introduction to my primary professional interest. |
My intellectual heroes | A partial list of important people. Limited to the dead. |
My educational philosophy | As a sometime teacher I've developed one. Includes book resources. |